Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I've gotten horribly off-track since my husband's mother died. I've reached the point where I'm afraid to step on the scale.

Both Den and I agreed that we need to re-commit to the system, and follow the Trim Body plan strictly from now on. It means that I will be spending some time planning and preparing every morning, including packing Den's lunch (he really does stick to the plan better when he has no choices to make).

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I did have to go out of town for a funeral. As deaths go, this one was easy - relatively quick, just like the person had told everyone she wanted. Her expressed wishes were followed to the letter.

It was also a quality experience, as the extended family all gathered for several days of food, consolation, and family story-telling. They're of Irish heritage, so those stories were fueled by coffee and Irish whisky. The wake was memorable and noisy, just like we like it.

One of the grandchildren is a bagpiper, so she received a wonderful send-off.

I'll be posting again by tomorrow, when I catch up on sleep.

Monday, March 07, 2005


OK, some of the younger ones will have to ask their great-grandmothers what that means (or attend a performance of Thoroughly Modern Millie), but it's my way of saying:


I'm ecstatic!

I was able to fit into a really cute Ultrasuede skirt in a very pale green, that I've never had on my body (other than trying it on, shaking my head, and struggling to get it off again without tearing the fabric or stitching). Today, it slid on loosely, and I felt just great!

Friday, March 04, 2005

3/4/2005 UPDATE

What a great day! Not only is it F-R-R-RIDAY, as the news anchors always growl, but I'm finally getting over my respiratory infection/asthma infection.

Not only that, but I weighed in this morning, and I've hit a milestone - I'm officially under 190 pounds (1/2 pound). And that's even with me still retaining some water due to steroids. I've been plugging away, without seeing results for the last 1 1/2 weeks, and it paid off.

The total as of today is 22 pounds, and I have a little over 3 weeks to hit my original goal of 25 pounds by my birthday. I'm tempted to re-set the goal higher, say, 30 pounds.

I'll be considering it this weekend.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I had a small asthma attach this week, and I'm back on a course of steroids. One side effect is terrific water retention. So, I won't be weighing in for a week or so. I know I'll be bloated, so why upset myself watching the scale climb?

After I complete the steroids, the extra water will flush away, and I'll see the actual situation. For the duration, I just need to watch my intake, which I CAN control, and ignore the scale, which I CAN'T control.

Plus, keeping walking and moving.