Friday, March 04, 2005

3/4/2005 UPDATE

What a great day! Not only is it F-R-R-RIDAY, as the news anchors always growl, but I'm finally getting over my respiratory infection/asthma infection.

Not only that, but I weighed in this morning, and I've hit a milestone - I'm officially under 190 pounds (1/2 pound). And that's even with me still retaining some water due to steroids. I've been plugging away, without seeing results for the last 1 1/2 weeks, and it paid off.

The total as of today is 22 pounds, and I have a little over 3 weeks to hit my original goal of 25 pounds by my birthday. I'm tempted to re-set the goal higher, say, 30 pounds.

I'll be considering it this weekend.


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