Thursday, February 17, 2005


When I found myself, once again, awake and restless in the middle of the night, I did something smart this time. I turned on the computer, and went to Prevention Magazine Online. There, I browsed through several articles about weight loss.

Another smart thing I did was chose a low-calorie snack - I sliced up a small apple, and lightly spread soynut butter (available in the business) on it. It was filling and delicious.

Earlier in the evening, I was working out on my exercycle; it's the model that has moving handles, for a greater workout for the arms. I only lasted 5 minutes, and initially felt disappointed. But then, I reminded myself that was 5 minutes longer than I had lasted in the last year. So, actually, that was progress. And, because I hadn't overdone the workout and become overly sore, I would be able to do the same tomorrow, or even more.


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